The Coca Cola lorry has been sighted on TV the press are arguing over the Christmas adverts and Christmas is well on its way. Work parties and events will be here making all the planning worth while. The majority of employees will enjoy themselves and be grateful for their employers efforts.
On occasion there can be individuals whose behavior may not reflect the spirit of the festivities and may need to be addressed. Whilst attending work events your employees are bound by the same expectation as they would be in the workplace. Poor behavior outside of working hours but at work events can and should be dealt with in the same way you would normally and this may include following a disciplinary process.
Digital resilience in the workplace is a thing! Responsible employers should help employees switch off from work. Technology is a great enabler and enhances our lives but the downside can be the ease of which we can overwork.
Our non-working and working lives boundaries have become blurred. Switching off from work is becoming increasingly difficult for some. The Chartered Institute of Managers indicates that 59% of bosses will be checking work emails out of work hours. This can lead to stress, anxiety and depression. Digital resilience is therefor the ability to switch off from technology and work and health is managed equally. So this Christmas take time out and be present in the moment with friends, family and loved ones.